College Project,Notes, Books CLICK ON THE IMAGE BELOW

College Project,Notes, Books CLICK ON THE IMAGE BELOW

Friday, 1 February 2013

Why Men DonT Listen And Women CanT Read Maps

Why Men DonT Listen And Women CanT Read Maps

Allan Pease, Barbara Pease

Crown Publishing Group, 13-Jan-2004 - Family & Relationships - 272 pages
Have you ever wished your partner came with an instruction booklet? This international bestseller is the answer to all the things you've ever wondered about the opposite sex.

For their controversial new book on the differences between the way men and women think and communicate, Barbara and Allan Pease spent three years traveling around the world, collecting the dramatic findings of new research on the brain, investigating evolutionary biology, analyzing psychologists, studying social changes, and annoying the locals.

The result is a sometimes shocking, always illuminating, and frequently hilarious look at where the battle line is drawn between the sexes, why it was drawn, and how to cross it. Read this book and understand--at last!--why men never listen, why women can't read maps, and why learning each other's secrets means you'll never have to say sorry again. 

The Definitive Book of Body Language

The Definitive Book of Body Language

Barbara Pease, Allan Pease

The Definitive Book of Body Language isolate, examines and explains in simple terms, each component of body language. Regardless of your vocation or position in life, you will be able to use it to obtain a better understanding of life’s most complex event – a face-to-face encounter with another person. It will make you more aware of your own non-verbal cues and signals, and will show you how to use them to communicate effectively and how to get the reactions you want.



Julius Fast

Penguin Books, 1994 - 242 pages
Julius Fast, who changed the way we look at the world with his breakthrough bestseller Body Language, now updates and expands upon those principles to show us how to go beyond the obvious in the workplace and understand the real motives and hidden agendas of our co-workers.

Body Language for dummies.pdf

Body Language for dummies.pdf

Elizabeth Kuhnke

John Wiley & Sons, 27-Aug-2009 - Psychology - 338 pages

If you are puzzled by other people or want to improve the impression you give, knowing about body language could be the key. In this book you’ll discover how the body reveals what people really mean and how you can use your body and your expressions to improve your self-image to others. It explores why we give the signals we do, how to read the most common expressions and goes on to show how you can use your new understanding of body language for success at work, in relationships and in your communication. Actions really do speak louder than words!

Body Language Dictionary.pdf

Body Language Dictionary.pdf

Items in this Dictionary have been researched by anthropologists, archaeologists,
biologists, linguists, psychiatrists, psychologists, semioticians, and others who have
studied human communication from a scientific point of view. Every effort has
been made to cite their work in the text. Definitions, meanings, and 
interpretations left uncredited are those of the author. Gestures and consumer products with 
current trademark registrations are identified with the ® symbol.
Entries in The Dictionary.
There have been many who, not knowing how to mingle the useful and the pleasing in the
right proportions, have had all their toil and pains for nothing 

Cervantes (Don Quixote)
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"Highly recommended" --New Scientist
"Very interesting reading" --The Houston Chronicle
"Monumental" --Yahoo! Picks of the Week
"Site of the Day Award" --WWW Virtual Library
WWW Virtual Library "Best" Site
© 2002 by David B. Givens, Ph.D.
Center for Nonverbal Studies

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Body Language ebook - Allan Pease download

Allan Pease - Body Language ebook download free - Body Language book

This book introduces body language from the point of view of business executives. The authors specialize in the use of body language for business and politics. I found the illustrations and photos that accompany the text to be very funny and appropriate. This is not a very scholarly book, so if you're looking for a very serious and academic book about the study of body language, then this isn't the volume you're looking for, but if you'd just like an introduction to body language from a practical point of view, then this is a perfect book to read. In addition, it is very easy and entertaining to read, so I can recommend this to anyone.